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How to build a brand strategy?


Step by step guide for building a brand strategy

1 What is your overall business strategy?

Identify the purpose of your brand and ask yourself certain questions, like:

  • What type of firm do you want?
  • Are you planning to grow organically?

If you are clear about where you want to take your firm, your brand will help you get there.

2. Who are your customers?

Identify your target clients. If you think you will sell your product to everyone, you are making a big mistake. If you have a clearly defined target audience, it will help you grow and earn profits because ‘narrower the focus, faster the growth. Study their perspective and priorities. You need to anticipate their needs and communicate them in a language that resonates with them.

3. Develop a unique logo, name, and tagline:

Does your brand name and logo really define your brand personality? If not, you need to revamp it. Your brand name must go with the services you provide. If you don’t want to touch the brand name- then a strong, creative, unique, and memorable tagline and logo may support your brand positioning.

But do not muddle things up, and remember that your tagline, slogan, logo, and name are not your brand; they are a part of your brand identity.

Show the samples of your new logo and tagline to the target market and not your internal employees. It will help you get a better idea about how well they communicate to the audience.

4. Develop your brand positioning strategy:

It’s time to identify your market positioning. What makes your brand different from others, and why would a potential customer choose you over your competitors? A positioning statement will help your clients get a better idea about your services.

A positioning statement is a collection of three to five sentences that capture the essence of your brand positioning. So be creative and precise while creating one. Also, it must be a bit aspirational.

5. Develop your messaging strategy:

The messaging strategy is to translate your brand positioning into messages to your various target audiences. Accordingly, design what your communication strategy should be. What words will you use? What values will you talk about? Decide what will go on your online and offline spaces, and what format your content will be. Also look at who will deliver your message.

6 Develop your content marketing strategy:

Well-written and valuable content will attract, nurture and qualify prospects. Content marketing increases both- your visibility and reputation in the market. It’s the perfect way to make your brand relevant to your target audience.

It also helps you get leads, direct traffic to your website and convinces your audience to engage with your brand. With good content, you can also nudge them towards making purchase decisions.

7 Develop your website:

Your website is where you can sell all the information about your brand, which will ultimately help the customers understand what you do, how you do, and who your clients are. In a world where customers’ first instinct is to look at your website- you must ensure that your website has all the necessary information and ensures a quality brand experience for your customers.

Furthermore, your website will provide space for your valuable and SEO-friendly content, helping your potential employees and prospects find you. Hence, it is essential to build an effective website.

8 Build your marketing toolkit:

This toolkit will include sales sheets that will describe core service offerings or key markets served. These will also include videos on popular topics or case studies. If your marketing toolkit is up to the mark, it will help the brand development.

9 Implement, track and adjust:

This is the final step. Sometimes people make strategies and start with good intentions, but later they get so busy with client’s work that they hardly get time to focus on their brand development.

This can have negative implications. Therefore, we recommend you carve out some time from your daily schedule and track if you are implementing your brand development strategies, and they are really helping you reach your goal!
