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Brand strategy

  Why does your brand need a defined brand strategy? Successful branding creates brand equity. People would want to spend their money on your product just because it’s your product. Brand strategy is precisely the way you build up this equity. The best example of a brand with high brand equity is Apple. Apple launches almost similar products in terms of features, yet their fan following is huge, and people want to buy their product just because Apple launched it. They have achieved this recognition because they knew how to approach their customers. Their brand personality is about lifestyle, hopes, dreams, and aspirations. They were aware of the demands of their audience and found a way to communicate with them and function as a business that has ensured that they are here for the long term. All in all, Apple is an example of designing and executing a good brand strategy. What are the types of branding strategies? Branding strategies come in different forms. While there is no universal
  Influencer Marketing This focuses on leveraging individuals who have influence over potential buyers and orienting activities around these individuals to drive a brand message to the larger market. With this, a brand inspires or compensates influencers (which can include celebrities, content creators, customer advocates, and employees) to get the word out on their behalf.


  What do you think a brand is? Is it limited to a logo, name, slogan, or product? Well, it’s more than that. Merely selecting a logo and creating a unique slogan won’t bring goodwill and profit. Your brand covers the entire experience your customers have with your company. To earn goodwill and make your space in the market, you need a good brand strategy. In this blog, you will learn what is a brand strategy and how to build one. ?What is a brand strategy Suppose you have a brand with an attractive logo, a catchy slogan, and you sell quality products. Do you think that’s enough to guarantee its survival and growth? This is why you need a good brand strategy in place. A brand strategy not only helps you define who you are and who you are speaking to but also has a vision for evolution. In order to build a sustainable brand, engage its customers, build up a steady base and cement its reputation; a brand needs to have a clear blueprint for growing. Every brand needs to consider the follo